Tracking attendance can provide insight into your students progress

Tracking attendance can seem like a tedious administration task for many teachers, trainers and instructors, but do it right and you can save yourself a lot of time and effort later.

For those who own a teaching business or who are self employed, you can build a successful and profitably business more efficiently by understanding who attends your classes.

Tracking attendance using our templates

No matter where or what you teach, keeping accurate attendance records by the class, weekly, monthly, or by course, using well designed templates for tracking attendance will benefit both you and your students.

Together with instructions on their use, my attendance templates will free up your time and help you to manage your student attendance administration more efficiently.

Reasons to track student attendance

There are a number of different reasons why you may need to record and track your students attendance. It will likely depend on the type of learning or activity that you deliver and whether you are employed, work for yourself or run your own teaching business.

Accurate attendance records can help teachers, trainers and organizations in the following ways:

1. Understand student progress

Attendance records allow the teacher to analyze student performance and progress and correlate it with the students attendance.

Is lack of progress linked to poor attendance?

Was a key lesson missed that explains a students poor test result?

2. Help with report writing

Written student evaluations and reports become easier to produce with accurate attendance records to refer to.

Notes made on attendance records for individual lessons or courses act as aid memoirs when reviewing a term, semester or even a years work.

3. Track payments

If your students are paying customers it will help you to monitor payments received and identify your best and worst customers.

Did someone say that they would pay next week or next month?

Keep track of it.

Don't let poor administration lose you profits.

4. Assist planning

If you are responsible for course or curriculum planning , attendance records can help you to plan for the future.

Poorly attended lessons may need reviewing and the relevant lesson plans amending.

Lessons with high attendance levels may require a review of the available resources or even change of venue to accommodate student numbers.

5. Help comply with regulations and improve quality

Tracking attendance to monitor training received ensures that only staff that have received adequate and relevant training are permitted to use restricted equipment, machinery or business critical IT systems.

Audit trails in large companies and organizations are a necessity and are in place to protect both the employer and employee from misuse of equipment and systems.

Tracking attendance of employee training and induction programs is therefore essential.


Class Attendance Registers >>

Weekly Attendance Sheets >>

Monthly Attendance Sheets >>

Course Attendance Sheets >>